Dear Friends and People of God,
We are delighted to welcome you to IMANI Marianists website.
Each one of you is very important to us as you bless us when you read the articles and items from this website. Each one of us has a story to tell. A story shaped by history and nurtured by human efforts to make that story complete. Marianists has a story to tell and this story unfolds every day in order for it to become part and parcel of shaping the lives of others.
Reading through this website will give you the dose to get into the story and be part of this story in whatever way possible. The story of IMANI of actively raising the quality of life for all those who come to IMANI is paramount. Not only do they come to seek knowledge or quality services to improve their lives but to achieve their full potential. As we all know each person has the potential to grow and so IMANI ignites the fire within the child, the youth and the woman to bring out the best in his/her life.
People, institutions have goals so IMANI has its goals. Any great goal cannot be achieved without patience and persistence. These goals are as pertinent today as they were then and they continue to shape the lives of many in order to bring positive change in their lives.
One song can spark a moment. One flower can wake the dream
One tree can start a forest.
One bird can herald spring.
Our task is to make it possible. The website you are about to view gives you the story, welcomes you to sing the song, to see the flower, to experience that tree and the bird so that you can be part of the IMANI Story.
Welcome to the website and find this story of IMANI.
Bro. Chola Mulenga, SMÂ IMANI Marianists Director.